Bunion Popsicle - a foray into the world of bunion fetish
"Bunion Popsicle - for bunionluver8678" is a limited edition screenprint designed by Lauren Moran and exhibited alongside interviews with persons with bunion fetish, who have generously shared their experiences.
Available for sale by contacting [email protected]
Available for sale by contacting [email protected]
How did your interest in bunions develop?
I would say my fetish is a combination of nature and nurture. Nature — I have loved feet for as long as I can remember. I think it's hardwired in me. Some guys like breasts, others like butts. I love feet and legs and sexy shoes. In the first grade, we had a class project to make collages by cutting up magazines and pasting the pictures onto construction paper. My *entire* collage was women's legs and feet. I don't remember doing this, but I found it years later in paperwork my mom had saved from my childhood.
The "nurture," or formative experience element of the fetish is that I developed a deep schoolboy crush on my childhood tutor. She wasn't a beauty queen, but she was young and smart and very kind to me. She came to my house one evening a a week from when I was six until age 14. This was during the 1980's. The tutor had a corporate job downtown and dressed the part--skirt suits, pantyhose and pointy-toed heels every day.
At some point I discovered that by scooting my chair back slightly from the table, I had a line of sight underneath to her feet. I would peek at them throughout the lessons and watch, totally enthralled, as she slipped off one or both shoes, wiggled her toes, or rubbed her feet together.
My tutor had moderate bunions on both feet. I don't know if she had them to begin with or if she developed them as a result of the heels she wore. Because of my feelings toward her and because hers were the feet I saw most often, bunions became incredibly sexy to me and have remained so ever since. I also find the "smart businesswoman look" incredibly appealing and am crazy about pointy toed heels.
What type of bunions attract you most?
I prefer mild to moderate bunions. Severe ones are too deformed and grotesque for my taste. I also prefer wider feet and ones where the second toe is longer than the big toe. I would say I'm more attracted to the angling of the big toe than the protrusion of the joint itself. There's probably a connection between me loving pointy shoes and the pointy shape bunion feet take.
In addition, knowing a woman's feet hurt is a huge turn on. Even just overhearing a woman say, "my feet are killing me" is pretty exciting. This is true whether or not she has bunions.
Feet don't have to have bunions for me to find them attractive. But I would say I find perhaps a third of non-bunion feet sexy, whereas I find about 90% of bunion feet appealing. Toenail polish is a big factor too. I love seeing pretty toenails in all sorts of colors!
What do you seek from bunions?
I have spent my whole life wanting to date a woman with bunions, but it is incredibly hard to identify who has them. Most women with bunions are embarrassed or ashamed of their feet, and they hide them. I had two girlfriends prior to getting married. None of the three women had bunions. When I got married, I was resigned to the fact that it wasn't possible to find a woman with bunions who would be a match personality-wise. So I married someone who I loved deeply, despite not being attracted to her feet. I told myself love was more important than attraction. Unfortunately that proved not to be true--over time, my sexual interest waned and we became more like roommates than lovers. As a result we did not have children and the marriage ended in divorce.
I am now single and looking again, but this time I am determined not to repeat past mistakes. I know that I will not be happy with someone unless she appeals to my fetish, and I am targeting bunions specifically in my dating profiles.
Do you meet up with people with bunions? How do they feel about their bunions?
I've actually never really let my fetish out to play. For most of my life I struggled with shame and guilt regarding this attraction to feet and bunions. I kept it secret out of fear of being judged. The few times I did tell people about it, I was called "sick" and "a freak."
Ironically this burden ended up giving me one of my greatest gifts. Ashamed of myself and fearful of others' judgment, I also felt unworthy to judge other people. As a result I have become one of the most, open, accepting and tolerant people you will ever meet. Even as I move past my own guilt and shame, I remain non-judgmental toward others.
Having grown up, gotten married (and divorced), I'm no longer concerned with what "society" thinks of me. I want to be happy and this means living authentically and embracing/integrating all parts of me, including my sexuality. I know this won't be easy but I'm determined to find a happy and healthy relationship!
Because I haven't been able to be in a relationship with a woman who has bunions, all of my exploration has been in the world of fantasy. It's amazing the degree to which technology has made this easier. I remember before the Internet that it was almost impossible to find pictures of bunions outside of medical books. Occasionally an actress who had bunions would be photographed barefoot, but that was very rare. As the web grew, I would search for articles, blogs or anything bunion-related. Now with social media all you have to do is search for #bunions and hundreds to thousands of pictures pop right up!
In the past I've subscribed to adult websites where the models had bunions. I've also had custom stories, videos and audio files created for me. They're not explicit in the conventional sense but they are very erotic to me. In a typical video the woman starts off in a sexy dress and heels, then takes her shoes off and massages her feet, talking about her bunions and how they hurt. The very first one of these I ordered was delivered on VHS back in the late 1990's and the model didn't even have bunions! It was just pretend but I enjoyed hearing her saying the word. More recent videos have been made by women who actually have bunions and they are much more enjoyable.
For more than 25 years I've invested a lot of time and energy into exploring and attempting to satisfy my fetish. From daily web searches to writing my own fantasies, this is something that is on my mind multiple times a day, every day. Someday I hope to have a loving, healthy relationship with a partner who embraces this aspect of me.
How do you feel about your bunions?
Not applicable - I don't have them myself.
Additional information:
I am very excited to be part of this project - foot fetishes are very common, but an attraction to bunions is not. I am at a point in my life where I am no longer afraid to be honest about what I love, and I hope to find understanding, support and valuable insights about how I may be able to find a compatible partner. Thank you very much for this opportunity!
I would welcome any questions or comments. Please contact me at [email protected].
Adrian flew to Portland to participate in the World's First Bunion Panel Discussion.
How did your interest in bunions develop?
I would say my fetish is a combination of nature and nurture. Nature — I have loved feet for as long as I can remember. I think it's hardwired in me. Some guys like breasts, others like butts. I love feet and legs and sexy shoes. In the first grade, we had a class project to make collages by cutting up magazines and pasting the pictures onto construction paper. My *entire* collage was women's legs and feet. I don't remember doing this, but I found it years later in paperwork my mom had saved from my childhood.
The "nurture," or formative experience element of the fetish is that I developed a deep schoolboy crush on my childhood tutor. She wasn't a beauty queen, but she was young and smart and very kind to me. She came to my house one evening a a week from when I was six until age 14. This was during the 1980's. The tutor had a corporate job downtown and dressed the part--skirt suits, pantyhose and pointy-toed heels every day.
At some point I discovered that by scooting my chair back slightly from the table, I had a line of sight underneath to her feet. I would peek at them throughout the lessons and watch, totally enthralled, as she slipped off one or both shoes, wiggled her toes, or rubbed her feet together.
My tutor had moderate bunions on both feet. I don't know if she had them to begin with or if she developed them as a result of the heels she wore. Because of my feelings toward her and because hers were the feet I saw most often, bunions became incredibly sexy to me and have remained so ever since. I also find the "smart businesswoman look" incredibly appealing and am crazy about pointy toed heels.
What type of bunions attract you most?
I prefer mild to moderate bunions. Severe ones are too deformed and grotesque for my taste. I also prefer wider feet and ones where the second toe is longer than the big toe. I would say I'm more attracted to the angling of the big toe than the protrusion of the joint itself. There's probably a connection between me loving pointy shoes and the pointy shape bunion feet take.
In addition, knowing a woman's feet hurt is a huge turn on. Even just overhearing a woman say, "my feet are killing me" is pretty exciting. This is true whether or not she has bunions.
Feet don't have to have bunions for me to find them attractive. But I would say I find perhaps a third of non-bunion feet sexy, whereas I find about 90% of bunion feet appealing. Toenail polish is a big factor too. I love seeing pretty toenails in all sorts of colors!
What do you seek from bunions?
I have spent my whole life wanting to date a woman with bunions, but it is incredibly hard to identify who has them. Most women with bunions are embarrassed or ashamed of their feet, and they hide them. I had two girlfriends prior to getting married. None of the three women had bunions. When I got married, I was resigned to the fact that it wasn't possible to find a woman with bunions who would be a match personality-wise. So I married someone who I loved deeply, despite not being attracted to her feet. I told myself love was more important than attraction. Unfortunately that proved not to be true--over time, my sexual interest waned and we became more like roommates than lovers. As a result we did not have children and the marriage ended in divorce.
I am now single and looking again, but this time I am determined not to repeat past mistakes. I know that I will not be happy with someone unless she appeals to my fetish, and I am targeting bunions specifically in my dating profiles.
Do you meet up with people with bunions? How do they feel about their bunions?
I've actually never really let my fetish out to play. For most of my life I struggled with shame and guilt regarding this attraction to feet and bunions. I kept it secret out of fear of being judged. The few times I did tell people about it, I was called "sick" and "a freak."
Ironically this burden ended up giving me one of my greatest gifts. Ashamed of myself and fearful of others' judgment, I also felt unworthy to judge other people. As a result I have become one of the most, open, accepting and tolerant people you will ever meet. Even as I move past my own guilt and shame, I remain non-judgmental toward others.
Having grown up, gotten married (and divorced), I'm no longer concerned with what "society" thinks of me. I want to be happy and this means living authentically and embracing/integrating all parts of me, including my sexuality. I know this won't be easy but I'm determined to find a happy and healthy relationship!
Because I haven't been able to be in a relationship with a woman who has bunions, all of my exploration has been in the world of fantasy. It's amazing the degree to which technology has made this easier. I remember before the Internet that it was almost impossible to find pictures of bunions outside of medical books. Occasionally an actress who had bunions would be photographed barefoot, but that was very rare. As the web grew, I would search for articles, blogs or anything bunion-related. Now with social media all you have to do is search for #bunions and hundreds to thousands of pictures pop right up!
In the past I've subscribed to adult websites where the models had bunions. I've also had custom stories, videos and audio files created for me. They're not explicit in the conventional sense but they are very erotic to me. In a typical video the woman starts off in a sexy dress and heels, then takes her shoes off and massages her feet, talking about her bunions and how they hurt. The very first one of these I ordered was delivered on VHS back in the late 1990's and the model didn't even have bunions! It was just pretend but I enjoyed hearing her saying the word. More recent videos have been made by women who actually have bunions and they are much more enjoyable.
For more than 25 years I've invested a lot of time and energy into exploring and attempting to satisfy my fetish. From daily web searches to writing my own fantasies, this is something that is on my mind multiple times a day, every day. Someday I hope to have a loving, healthy relationship with a partner who embraces this aspect of me.
How do you feel about your bunions?
Not applicable - I don't have them myself.
Additional information:
I am very excited to be part of this project - foot fetishes are very common, but an attraction to bunions is not. I am at a point in my life where I am no longer afraid to be honest about what I love, and I hope to find understanding, support and valuable insights about how I may be able to find a compatible partner. Thank you very much for this opportunity!
I would welcome any questions or comments. Please contact me at [email protected].
Adrian flew to Portland to participate in the World's First Bunion Panel Discussion.
bunionluver8678 aka Rob Smith
bunionluver8678 aka Rob Smith
How did your interest in bunions develop?
A: I have had a foot fetish since I was around 13 years old. I do not remember specifically how I realized I like feet other than I used to stare at my math teacher's and my female classmates feet when I was in the sixth grade. Also I used to really enjoy the feet scenes in Quentin Tarantino movies, especially Bridget Fonda's feet in Jackie Brown. I partly credit my foot fetish to staring at the ground in boredom in class when I noticed that my teacher had beautiful feet.
The catalyst for my bunion love had to have been seeing a scene in a sitcom (That 70's Show) where this mature woman asked for a foot massage and says something about her bunion like "don't be afraid of my bunion" or something like that. I didn't know what a bunion was at the time but I already knew I had a thing for mature women like my math teacher and the thought of rubbing an older woman's feet was very exciting at the time. My love for bunions includes women of all ages, younger and older, but I have a special place in my heart for "mature feet". I guess that it turns me on that there is a stigma surrounding "having a bunion" that is an "older woman thing".
Anyways, the next step into my bunion fetish was going onto foot fetish websites and forums after school. I noticed some women had a protruding bone by the side of their big toe which I thought was cute but didn't know/forgot the term "bunion" for a while. I learned the term most likely when I saw that other foot fetishists would view bunions in a negative light. Such phrases such as "her feet would be beautiful if it were not for her bunions" but I could not and still don't understand why bunions are viewed as disgusting by my most people. Bunions are just a protruding bone, not a wart/fungus/etc. I think I am still to this day trying to remove the idea that bunions are something to hide or be ashamed about.
I began dedicating my fetish to bunions around freshman year of High School. "Normal feet" just stopped being interesting to me and still don't turn me on to this day. They don't have the same effect on me like they used to. They are too "straight" and don't have any character to them. I really love the beautiful shape that bunions give feet. I have been a bunion addict for over a decade now and have no plans to stop anytime soon.
What type of bunions attract you most?
A: I really enjoy moderate to severe bunions. In fact it even turns me on a lot when the second toe begins to cross over under the big toe. I like a bunioned foot that has this very sharp "curve" to it. It is very sexy to me when you can even notice a woman's bunion poking out of her shoes.
I adore when a woman has been on her feet for a long day and her bunions are extremely red when they get sore. Some women say that this is masochistic of me but I want nothing more than to massage and worship a beautiful woman's bunions when they are sore.
What do you seek from bunions?
A: Other than sexual gratification many women have told me that I have made them feel much more confident about their feet and less insecure about their bunions. It is an extremely satisfying feeling to know that I have made a positive impact on others with my fetish. I run a bunion fetish Instagram page under the name "Bunionluver8678" (sorry for the shameless plug). I get quite a few messages a month from women who look up the hashtag "bunions" in order to compare their bunions with others...They send me messages like "You really like feet like this?!?" and ask me what I like about their bunions. We usually end up becoming friends and they tell me that I have made a positive difference for them. It makes me very happy.
Do you meet up with people with bunions?
A: Not yet but I hope to one day. I am only in my early twenties so I have plenty of time to do this.
I will end this with one of my fondest bunion memories:
It was the first day of my sophomore year of high school, math class. I had this teacher who was very sexy in my opinion. Most people probably would not find her attractive but I did. She was chubby, had long blonde hair in a ponytail and had bunions.
The first day of class before the bell rang she was standing right in front of where I sat, took her shoes off and was lotioning her feet with the hand lotion on the book shelf. Then she randomly points at her bunion and says in a serious tone, "What is this?" and I just casually replied, "A bunion." And she just seriously stared at me and nodded. I still to this day have no idea why she did that. I thought it was very weird but of course I had an extreme erection.
Anyways time passed and she often wore sandals with red painted toenails. Sometimes even when she wore closed-toed shoes you could see her bunions poke out. I loved her feet. A couple months later about 15 minutes before the bell rang the classmates were talking about feet and how disgusting they were and my teacher says "oh my god you should see my feet" and starts to take her shoe off.
I jumped at the chance to say in a silly way, not intended in a mean way, "Ewww but your bunions though" and she said "HOW DID YOU KNOW?" with red cheeks, all embarrassed. I said back to her, "You told me on the first day of school"! Haha and she was like, "Oh yeah..." but unfortunately she didn't take her shoes off. I wish that I could have kept my mouth shut but the scenario was sexy in its own way.
My name is Hal Hammers, a fictive chosen name since I want to stay anonymous.
I live in and am from Belgium. I am a single male, 61 years old, and since age 11, a real bunion fetishist.
Even more, I am addicted to bunions. My addiction goes even so far that I want to have bunions on my own feet.
I came in contact with the webpage and wanted to make my testimony.
My mother had terrible bunions, overlapping second toes and hammertoes. Day and night she was complaining of the pains they caused her. I don’t know why but as a child I liked her feet.
I looked when she kicked off her shoes and rubbed her bunions to ease the pain. They were as big as half a pingpong ball and red as strawberries.
So she complained and I guess I started to associate bunions with pain and hatred that you have them.
I had an uncle and aunt who were older than my parents. Every school vacation they took care of a girl from my aunt’s family in France. So the girl stayed with them for 1 month. She was bored being surrounded by 2 old people so they decided that she could come and play with me in the afternoons, since we had the same age, 11.
One day it was very hot, she was wearing flip-flops when she came. What I then saw determined the rest of my life. She had bunions, real big ones with big toes angled about 30 a 35 degree
She saw me staring at her feet and I told her my mother had also bunions. I know, she says, but I never complain. I love them the way they are and I hope by getting older they will progress. Would you like to touch them? That was the start of my crusade for bunions.
So during school vacations she came to my house to play and each time it ended with talking and rubbing her bunions. I did even lick them and sucked her toes. That continued for a month.
But due to circumstances the girl moved to another country I never heard anything of her again.
So my fetish my love was gone and I realised I had to concentrate on mother’s bunions.
When she was sunbathing in the garden I spied on her. Looking at her bunions made me hard.
One day she trapped me and asked what I was doing. I admitted to her that I loved her bunions.
I see it she said and touched my hard dick, which she saw through my pants. Well, she said since you like them you my massage them whenever they hurt and they hurt constantly. So I did, the very day after school I massaged her feet, toes and bunions.
By the years they became worse and worse, so bad that at age 50 she had bunionectomy.
Again gone my fetish. Ever since I look for bunions anywhere, in the street, supermarket….movies, internet… 50 years passed since then. Digital world didn’t exist so I had no pictures of girls’ or my mother’s feet. I could just look at pictures of feet which were very similar to the ones of the 11 year old girl.
My name is Hal Hammers, a fictive chosen name since I want to stay anonymous.
I live in and am from Belgium. I am a single male, 61 years old, and since age 11, a real bunion fetishist.
Even more, I am addicted to bunions. My addiction goes even so far that I want to have bunions on my own feet.
I came in contact with the webpage and wanted to make my testimony.
My mother had terrible bunions, overlapping second toes and hammertoes. Day and night she was complaining of the pains they caused her. I don’t know why but as a child I liked her feet.
I looked when she kicked off her shoes and rubbed her bunions to ease the pain. They were as big as half a pingpong ball and red as strawberries.
So she complained and I guess I started to associate bunions with pain and hatred that you have them.
I had an uncle and aunt who were older than my parents. Every school vacation they took care of a girl from my aunt’s family in France. So the girl stayed with them for 1 month. She was bored being surrounded by 2 old people so they decided that she could come and play with me in the afternoons, since we had the same age, 11.
One day it was very hot, she was wearing flip-flops when she came. What I then saw determined the rest of my life. She had bunions, real big ones with big toes angled about 30 a 35 degree
She saw me staring at her feet and I told her my mother had also bunions. I know, she says, but I never complain. I love them the way they are and I hope by getting older they will progress. Would you like to touch them? That was the start of my crusade for bunions.
So during school vacations she came to my house to play and each time it ended with talking and rubbing her bunions. I did even lick them and sucked her toes. That continued for a month.
But due to circumstances the girl moved to another country I never heard anything of her again.
So my fetish my love was gone and I realised I had to concentrate on mother’s bunions.
When she was sunbathing in the garden I spied on her. Looking at her bunions made me hard.
One day she trapped me and asked what I was doing. I admitted to her that I loved her bunions.
I see it she said and touched my hard dick, which she saw through my pants. Well, she said since you like them you my massage them whenever they hurt and they hurt constantly. So I did, the very day after school I massaged her feet, toes and bunions.
By the years they became worse and worse, so bad that at age 50 she had bunionectomy.
Again gone my fetish. Ever since I look for bunions anywhere, in the street, supermarket….movies, internet… 50 years passed since then. Digital world didn’t exist so I had no pictures of girls’ or my mother’s feet. I could just look at pictures of feet which were very similar to the ones of the 11 year old girl.
And these were exactly how my mother’s feet look like.
So I had no bunions nearby and decide to create them on my own feet.
So I had no bunions nearby and decide to create them on my own feet.
I started to bind my toes with elastics. And now I have tiny bunions, which i hope will progress, along with overlapping second toes.
So far my story. I keep looking every day for bunions and want to talk with people about it.
It’s difficult for me.
- Hal Hammers
It’s difficult for me.
- Hal Hammers